Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Meet With Him and Them

How great it is to meet together with other believers and share in fellowship and praise!

Since I have been back in the States I have met with many of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
- On November 12-15 I met with many CSI missionaries, staff, and other members of the CSI family at the CSI Staff Retreat.
- I have met with members of my home church.
- I have met with past team members.
- I have met with future team members.
- I have met with possible future team members.
- I have met with staff at our Muncie office.
- I have met with future CSI Jamaica staff.
- And over the next few days I will be meeting with another future team, a supporting church, and a possible supporting church.

All of these opportunities have been, and will be, times of praise to our Lord. I don't understand how some believers can get together and not enjoy themselves, but it happens. When I get together with other believers I expect Christ to show up; I expect to have a great time of praise, worship and fellowship. Shouldn't we all expect the same when we gather together in His name? (Of course part of the problem could be that too many Christians often fail to meet together in Jesus' name.)

"Praise the Lord! I will thank the Lord with all my heart as I meet with his godly people." Psalm 111:1 (NLT)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It Often Happens

Have you ever had a great God-moment and then come up with a wonderful idea about some ministry you could do or be involved in that would allow you to serve God with all your heart?

Did you then jump into it with both feet, whole-heartedly, with no reservations, with all of your faith, with no plan as to how to carry out that ministry, without seeking God's direction and will, and without asking God if that was what He wanted you to do, but instead asked God to come along on the journey that YOU were starting?

Did it seem to go well at first?

You were excited! You didn't know how God was gonna work it out, but you "knew" He was gonna open some great doors of ministry opportunity!

Others offered words of caution, but you were confident that you were doing what was right!

After a short time you may have started to struggle and wondered why God had not blown the doors wide open for you to be able to succeed in this new ministry that you were so jazzed about starting!

A short time after that you started to realize that you may have allowed your emotions to lead you in a direction that was close to the direction Christ was trying to lead you, but you were now nowhere close to where He wanted you to go.

You knew that you needed to change what you were doing, but didn't know how you could admit to everyone else that you had made a terrible decision and went out to minister in Jesus' name without actually taking Jesus along with you.


From time to time we, as Christians, experience a great God-moment and get excited about the possibilities!!! But we have to be careful and use the good sense that He has given us. We have to take the time to get on our knees before Him and seek His direction and will for our lives and the ministry He has for us to do. He will give us His vision for His ministry if we will allow Him to lead us instead of allowing our emotions to take control.

"Where there is no vision the people perish." (Prov. 29:18)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

More Just Stuff

It feels like forever since I have posted. Guess I will post a little something now.

My niece, Marcy, had a baby Monday. Jentry Jo Pribyl was 7-lbs 15-oz, 21-inch. I got to see and hold her tonight. She is a pretty baby. Marcy and Cris did good. They will hopefully get to go home on Friday.

I will be hitting the road next Tuesday (1st) and heading towards KY and IN. I have some speaking engagements, and will be visiting with some team members from the past year who have been to Jamaica, as well as visiting the CSI office in Muncie. Please pray for God to go before me and for safety as I travel.

Also, be in prayer for the rest of my time home. I will be speaking in a few churches as I try to boost my support. The financial difficulties that have affected others over the past year have affected my monthly support as well. Please pray with me that the Lord will provide me opportunities to speak to those whom He has already prepared to join me as ministry partners, as well as to encourage others who may have fallen away from their monthly giving. Since God called me to serve, I will trust Him to provide.

Gotta go.

Friday, November 13, 2009

What Do You Do????

What do you do when..... don't feel like doing anything?
Do something anyway. don't feel like being kind?
Be kind anyway. don't feel like doing housework?
Do housework anyway. don't feel like staying married?
Stay married anyway. don't feel like praying?
Pray anyway. don't feel like reading the Word?
Read it anyway. don't feel like spending time with God?
Spend time with Him anyway. don't feel like serving Him?
Serve Him anyway.

Sometimes we need to remember that LIFE IS NOT ABOUT FEELINGS!!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Just Stuff

Jamie and I went to Kingston on Monday and took care of some business for the container that is coming down this month. Then today we went back to pick up papers that we were told were ready to pick up for another purpose. But, they were NOT ready. (It happens more often than you may think.) So we did some shopping and had lunch.

This coming Thursday Jamie and I will fly to Florida to meet up with Nick and Jody and much of the rest of the CSI staff from Haiti, North America, Muncie, and members of the CSI board for the CSI Staff Retreat. I am looking forward to a wonderful time of reconnecting and fellowship with fellow servants.

Following the retreat I will be headed home to OK for 6 weeks of HMA (Home Ministry Assignment). During that time I will try to make it out to the Midwest to visit some of the churches that have sent teams to Jamaica this year, as well as visiting with many of my supporters at home.

And now for an update on my mouse hunting adventures..... I have not caught any more mice, or seen any evidence of them in the last week. So far so good. (Word must have gotten around among all the other mice.)

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Well, actually mice. And more than I first had thought.

See, my front door has a gap at the bottom between it and the floor, and one of the tiles on the floor has a piece missing, so there is a nice sized hole for mice to come in through to "visit" me. (It's really cool when I am watching TV in the evening and catch site of one out of the corner of my eye.) I ran one out the door Monday night and started looking around and found evidence of activity (you know, droppings). So Tuesday I bought 2 boxes of sticky traps (4 traps total) and placed them in 4 areas I figured would be the best for catching mice. And whad-uh-yah know, I heard a squeaking well before bedtime!! CAUGHT ONE!!!! And it was on the trap I had placed just outside the door. I left him where he was just in case he had invited friends over, but I was hoping that would be the end of the mice. Nope. As I got around and ready for bed there was another mouse on another sticky trap. He had evidently sidestepped his cousin at the door and obviously didn't get the hint. 2 mice caught before bed!!!

Yesterday morning I disposed of the uninvited guests and went about my day. When I got home I placed a trap just inside the door, right in front of the hole. I really thought I had rid myself of rodents the night before, but I wanted to make sure. I went to bed confident that there would be no more mice since none had come in during the evening as they had the previous evening.

As I got out of bed this morning and made my groggy way into the hall I turned and glanced toward the front door.... "Is that a rat?" I thought to myself. As I turned on the light I realized it was not a rat but 2 mice side by side. Yep, that is now a total of 4 mice in 2 nights. I knew it was a good idea to put the trap in front of the hole. They evidently had run right in and gotten stopped in their tracks.
After I got ready for the day I disposed of the vermin and started wondering how many mice will attempt to violate the privacy of my home tonight. I still have one more trap and will definitely place it at the front door.

I have caught 4 mice because I prepared myself to do so. In a round-a-bout way it makes me think about serving our Lord. We have to be prepared to do so when opportunities arise. Many times we know ahead of time that we will be serving Him in some way before we do it. Maybe it's preparing to teach Sunday School or Bible study. Maybe it's preparing to go to the mission field, or pack a shoe box for Christmas, or serve a meal at a shelter, or.... You get the idea. We prepare ourselves when we KNOW we will be in a situation to serve God.

BUT, what about when we DON'T know we will be serving Him? There are times when opportunities arise to share the love of Christ with a person who is hurting, to share the Word of Christ with someone who is searching, to serve our Father at the drop of a hat, and we must be prepared even for that. We must be prepared to serve Him when we are not expecting to.

The following verses tell us as much.

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."
1 Peter 3:15

"Be ready to spread the word whether or not the time is right. Point out errors, warn people, and encourage them. Be very patient when you teach."
2 Timothy 4:2

Be prepared...
Be prepared to serve the Lord at all times! Stay in the Word! Be in prayer! Serve always!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Have you ever seen a sinner explode?

Jonah fled
Jonah swam
Jonah was swallowed
Jonah was vomited
Jonah was humbled
Jonah went
Jonah preached
The people were spared
Jonah was angry

How often, after finally saying okay, do we serve God expecting one outcome, but get an outcome that is totally different than we expected? When Jonah finally gave in and did what God asked him to do, I think he went into it expecting the people not to change. But when the people DID change, when they turned toward God, God was merciful and spared them. Jonah was angry because these horrible sinners from Nineveh didn't explode, or even catch fire, but were given God's grace. Never mind that just a few days earlier God had given Jonah the exact same grace and mercy.

I know that I am guilty of serving God while not expecting people to turn towards Him... expecting God to burn the sinners to the ground... not expecting God to shower down His grace and mercy on the unchangeable sinners... ignoring the fact that He showers me with His grace and mercy every single day. May I serve Him with the understanding that He is ready to jump at the chance to forgive a repentant heart, and that I not be disappointed when I don't see a sinner explode.

"I went down to the moorings of the mountains; the earth with its bars closed behind me forever; yet You have brought up my life from the pit, O Lord, my God." Jonah 2:6

Monday, October 19, 2009

I Saw Santa Before Christmas

Here comes Santa Claus
Here comes Santa Claus
Right down Santa Claus lane....

Oh, wait, Santa Claus isn't coming... Santa Claus was already here. Last week I, along with Jamie, had the honor of serving beside the mission team from Santa Claus UMC, Santa Claus, IN. The team consisted of 10 members and built a house for two 70-something sisters, Myrtel and Amboursine Blackburn. On Sunday evening, October 11, the team was able to attend a program at St. Cyprian's Anglican Church which showcased a number of local, award-winning performers in song, piano, dance and spoken word. For lunch on Wednesday the team was treated to a meal provided by Uncle-B's, a local jerk stand/cook shop owned by Mr. Brown. The choice of meal was fried chicken, curried chicken, or brown stewed pork, served with rice and mixed veggies, a sample of their jerk pork, and a cup of chicken foot soup. What a meal!!!

(Arthur and I had stopped at Uncle-B's the previous week and asked Mrs. Brown if she knew the Blackburn sisters. She said Amboursine had been in just a few days before and mentioned how difficult things were getting with the house they were in. Mrs. Brown was so excited to see us and to know the sisters were getting a new house that she took time out to take us to find the sisters.)

Thursday morning we took the team to the infirmary in Pt. Maria where they sang, prayed, read Scripture, talked and laughed with the residents. Some residents were new to them and a few, like Richard and Sylvia, are old friends for some. Richard was sharp as ever and had everyone in stitches. What a wonderful time of ministry!

Friday we took the team to Ocho Rios for a little bit of touristy stuff... the market and shopping, floating down the White River, and then to the Hibiscus Lodge for the night. I even talked a few of them in to walking down the road to get some Devon House I-Scream. Mmmmmm!!!! Then on Saturday it was on to the airport for the goodbyes. The week had come to an end. What a wonderful time of service and fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ. (This was my 3rd time to serve with Santa Claus UMC. My first was in Oct. '06 during my first visit to JA, and the second was last Oct.)

Thank you to Santa Claus UMC for a great week!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Do You Love Me?

Last Friday Jamie and I had Bible study and we talked about when Jesus asked Peter "Do you love Me?" (John 21:15-19). Each time Peter's answer was yes, and after the third time his feelings were hurt. So why did Jesus ask him three times? Did Jesus doubt Peter's love? No, He knew Peter loved Him without even asking the question. Some preachers will stand up in front of the church and say that Jesus asked Peter three times because Peter denied Jesus three times, and at face value that sounds good, but I don't think it's right, at least not completely. See, Peter was good at running his mouth and speaking before his mind had time to realize what he was saying, and I think Jesus' intent was to get Peter to realize that he loved Jesus more deeply than he knew.

The first time Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him, Peter immediately said yes. He probably didn't even hesitate before answering.
"Feed My lambs." (Teach My early church)
The second time Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him, Peter once again said yes. I can see him thinking for just a second "Didn't I already answer this question?"
"Tend My sheep." (Take care of My growing church)
The third time Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him, Peter was hurt because He had asked him three times. This time I think Peter actually thought about it before he answered Jesus. "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You."
"Feed My sheep." (Teach My growing church)

Jesus knew that Peter loved Him, but He also knew that in order for Peter to be able to fulfill Christ's call for him to lead the early church, He had to get Peter himself to understand how deeply he truly loved Christ. If Peter was going to be the leader of the church he had to know how to express his love for Christ more deeply than by quick words. Yes, Peter loved Jesus. Yes, Jesus knew it. But I believe when Jesus asked the third time, "Do you love Me?", that a light bulb went off, and at that moment Peter realized just how deeply he loved the Savior. Otherwise it would not have hurt His feelings as it did.

Jesus already knows if we love Him or not, but from time to time He may ask us "Do you love Me" in order to help us realize that we truly do love Him, and that He has a specific call on our lives that we can't fulfill unless we are expressing our love for Him.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Don't Give Satan An Advil

What is your name?

When you were born did your parents give you a name worthy of who you are, or have you had to make yourself worthy of the name your parents gave you? In his story "Romeo and Juliet", Shakespeare writes, What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet. So does your name really even matter? Well, it depends on who knows it.

My parents named me John Boyd Gardner. If you just leave it at that then some people may not think it is a very spectacular name... (seeing as how it has been my name for over 36 years I am pretty partial to it though). I am not famous so I do not have a famous name. My name does not jump out at people because it is not an unusual or trendy name. My name is a good, solid name. But even though I am not famous there are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people who know my name just because we have crossed paths at some point in my life. Some people will hear my name and think fond thoughts, some will think not so fond thoughts, and some people will think "Who? Oh, I kinda remember that guy." Regardless of what people think when they hear my name, I have made some sort of impression on many people.

But I wonder what sort of impression I have made on the devil over the years. In Acts chapter 19 the seven sons of Sceva were trying to cast out demons "In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches." They knew that there was something to the name of Jesus, and even threw in Paul's name for good measure, kinda like a name-dropper would do. There was a problem with that though... one particular evil spirit had no idea who these seven guys were. See, all of hell knew Jesus because, well, He's Jesus, and they all knew Paul because he had been one of their top humans until he met Jesus on the road to Damascus and started doing battle against the army of hell. But, when these seven no-name sons of the Jewish chief priest, Sceva, came along, the evil spirit said "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?" Then the man with the evil spirit jumped on the brothers and put a whoopin' on 'em that EVERYONE around would remember for a long time.

So, do evil spirits know MY name? Am I known among the army of hell? Does Satan have to work overtime because I am on the job? I like what Dave Earley says in his book, "The 21 Most Dangerous Questions of the Bible",... I don't claim the amazing authority of the Lord Jesus Christ or the apostle Paul. But I believe I can live a positively dangerous life. I hope to live so completely for God's kingdom that I am known by those in the kingdom of darkness. I want to give hell a headache.

What about you? Does the devil need an Advil? Does hell know your name?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is It Really Worth The Effort?

Okay, so, after 2 1/2 weeks of going to the gym there is no change to the scale. I have not lost a blessed ounce... but I have not gained any either, so I guess that is a good thing. But is it really worth waking up at 5:15AM, getting up at 5:30AM, and out the door at 5:50AM to go pick up Nick and meet Leo at the gym, walk for 35 minutes (and go nowhere), ride a bike for 15 or 20 minutes (and go nowhere), and do some stretching, arm and ab work?

Yes. It's worth it.

You see, I get to listen to some good praise and worship music, enjoy the fellowship and encouragement of two men of God, improve my overall health, sleep better at night, have more energy, and take care of the Temple. Do I wish the scale was showing a 12 pound loss? Yes. But watching the scale can be a big discouragement when you're trying to get healthy (I am not on the Biggest Loser here). It's not ultimately about losing weight anyway. It's about glorifying God. I know that if I do the things that need to be done in order to be healthy (working out and eating right), then the weight will follow... and God will get the glory!!

So, if you are thinking about getting healthy for Christ, my word of advice to you is:
THROW AWAY YOUR SCALE and work at being healthy before you worry about losing the weight.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Words Of Wisdom

Words Of Wisdom for September 14, 2009...

Do what God says!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Flab vs Fab

For those who are in-the-know, Pinto's food is some of the best... ever. (Her fried chicken blows the Colonel out of the water.) But I am thinking that at times her cooking is too good. Over the busy summer months, when teams were here and I was on the go most of the time, I managed to gain 10 pounds. Yes, 10 pounds. So the net loss for my first year here wound up being 30 lbs.

So, on Saturday, I met Pastor Leo Hall (Bethel United Church) at Fitness Physique and started getting my exercise on. Saturday, Monday, Tuesday (with Nick), and again this morning, I road the bike, walked on the treadmill, worked on the seated row and the seated ab machine (I am not gonna get on the floor if I don't have to), and did some stretching exercises. I already can tell I have more energy and am sleeping better at night after only a few days of working out. I will go again in the morning and probably Saturday AM, and at least 3 or 4 times a week after.

There are a few reasons I decided to start going to the gym...
1. Walking in the evenings is boring (but I haven't since December, so never mind)
2. There is someone who will keep me accountable
3. To lose the weight I have gained
4. To reach my goal weight
5. To look FABULOUS when I go home for my visit in November
6. To be more healthy and have more energy
7. To improve my witness by taking care of the Temple

Have you ever sat in church and listened to a fat pastor preach a message about sins of the flesh... while at the same time wondering why he doesn't apply his message to himself and his gluttony. Being overweight and in the ministry is not new, it's not uncommon, but it is not God's best and He is not glorified by it.

"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Cor. 6:19-20 (NKJV)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hurricane Hurricane Stay Away

The Atlantic Hurricane Season 2K9 is coming upon the halfway point... so far so good. There have been 3 named storms (one hurricane) as of today, but there has been no effect here in Jamaica. That is a great thing. But, since there are still 3 months left in the season, the chance is still there for a storm to stop by and say "Hello". Well, the invitation is not open and it would most definitely be an intrusion. So, stay away storms... please.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Okay, so, yesterday I drove Jamie to MoBay so she could "go foreign" til the end of September, while Nick and Jody took our final team of the summer to Ocho Rios and then to MoBay to spend the night before leaving today for home. The drive to MoBay is one I have made now MANY times, and I pretty much know where all of the areas are where cops hang out. Plus, I am usually very aware of my speed, but yesterday all of the right ingredients came together for a pot of "Are You Serious" stew.

Let me just say that sometimes...
talking + driving = not paying attention
not paying attention + driving = speeding
speeding + cop = ticket

72 kmh in a 50 kmh zone.... I could see the 80 kmh sign from where the cop was parked, 2 stone throws away. I never thought I would ever get a speeding ticket for driving the equivalent of 45mph on the open highway. On the up side, both officers were very polite.

Maybe I will just ride while Jamie drives to the airport next time and I will drive the car back...
Well, maybe I will just slow down... that sounds like a better idea (sorry Jamie).

(Paid that ticket this morning, Aug. 24... $5,000... Jamaican that is.)

Friday, August 7, 2009

A Bit Behind

Ever have good intentions of doing something? Of starting something new and sticking with it? Like, maybe, uh, posting blogs... Well, I thought I would post at least once a week when I first started, but it has been 2 weeks now and I don't even know if I feel like posting this one. We'll see how I feel once I get it written.

My birthday was AWESOME with my parents and church team coming in. They brought me Dr. Pepper, Dove Dark Chocolate, beef jerky, deer jerky, movies, cards, a book and other stuff. Even without the gifts it was one of my best ever b-days!!!!

The week that followed was full of God working through the Dover team at the worksite and at VBS, getting work done, but more importantly building relationships with each other and the Jamaican people. I got to spend time with Mom and Dad (just having them make the trip was blessing enough). Dad had a tough time as the week went on but he made it through and did really good helping with crafts at VBS. The kids really liked him. The house that was built was finished on Wednesday morning and dedicated that afternoon so the team working on the house could be a part of the last day of VBS on Thursday. What made the week even better was to hear words of compliment from our Jamaican staff concerning the Dover team. I had no doubt that they would be a good team, but Pinto tells it like it is and she told me a number of times how much she enjoyed them... so, GO DOVER!!!! You passed the Pinto test.

Dad, Mom, Me.

This past week we had visitors from Muncie. Jody, Jodi, and Evelyn Kress joined us for a few days. Jody is the new Director of Operations at CSI and came to see what CSI Jamaica is all about. They flew home Thursday. It was nice to have them with us.

Nick and I will be headed to MoBay in the AM to pick up the team from Grove City. They will be doing a VBS and a house, and will be our last team for the summer. That is just crazy. It has flown by... and at the same time it feels like a long journey through the last few months. God has done some really great things this summer and will again next week I am sure.

Santa Claus UMC is coming October 10-17, we are praying for Marggy Hensley and The Black Family as they all prepare to join us in the coming months, and the CSI Staff Retreat is November 12-15.

So, that is what's been going on since my last post, and a small bit of what's coming up. Guess I will go ahead and post it.

Until Next Time!!!

Oh, by the way, I will be celebrating one year on the mission field on Sunday.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Birthday Thoughts

I was thinking today about how I will be celebrating my 36th birthday, in Jamaica. Pretty cool. Most of my 36 birthdays have been spent in Oklahoma. I did celebrate my 12th birthday in Branson, Missouri, and my 16th birthday in Guadalajara, Mexico, but other than that, all have been celebrated in OK.
(Not that any of you may really even care... I just thought I would share.)

Anyway, I will be celebrating tomorrow by driving 3 hours to the airport in MoBay to pick up 20 people from the Dover Christian Church (my home church)... my parents being 2 of those. Of all the birthday gifts I have gotten over the years, having my mom and dad here on the mission field, having the chance to show them the things and introduce them to the people that they have only heard about, and to have them be a part of the ministry that I have been called to is probably my best gift in 36 years.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

When It Rains...

Late last week part of the roof was taken off of the mission house so the addition can continue. Floor joists have gone in, steel was set in place for concrete block, a footing was poured yesterday, and blue tarps were put in place just in case it rained. Well, it DID rain... hard! The tarps happened to have a few holes, or there were gaps or openings between and around them, which allowed the rain water to make its way inside the mission house. Not just IN the house, but through the ceiling, the light fixtures, the dining hall, the bathroom, and the front bedroom. Some plaster fell, the globe on the ceiling fan is full, a ton of towels were used as dams and to soak up the water... Let me just say that it was a mess. At the same time the electrician was trying to get the power back on in the laundry room and dining hall... another mess all its own.

Today, things started out hot and sunny. Cement block started going up, I was painting on the balcony, Sharon and Brad were painting the grills on the front doors, busy people were all around doing work... Then... RAIN!!!!! Light at first... then a brief downpour! Out came the tarps once again... and once again it rained inside the house. Not quite as bad as yesterday, but wet it was all the same. What a deal.

We wish for rain for a month... No sign of it. Then, when we don't need it we get it. Kinda like God's answers and blessings. We will pray for God to answer us or bless us, and when He does, it happens at an inconvenient time for us. If only we could put God on OUR time schedule. Well, we can't "control" God and when He blesses or answers us any more than we can control when it rains. All we can do is just dry out and thank Him for the rain.

Have you received a blessing lately that was at an inconvenient time? Well, dry up and give Him thanks because His timing is always perfect.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Down In The Dump

Oney, Eli and I went to the dump this afternoon. Its a beautiful drive to get there, but like another world when you arrive. Blue waters along the coast, green mountains inland, jerk stands, fish stands, and cook shops beside the road... and flies and stink at the destination. We had the joy of parking next to a garbage truck as it unloaded... Yummy! There were dogs looking for scraps, flies trying to fly up the ol' nose, and about 8 people digging around in various piles of rubbish looking for some sort of "treasure" that they can use or sell for just a little bit of cash. As Oney and Eli began unloading our truck it took no time at all for a few treasure hunters to come our way. There were a few pieces of aluminum siding that they latched onto quickly. I thought one lady was going to come to blows with a man who tried to take her "treasure".

What an existance. How spoiled are we as Americans? I have been to a number of landfills in Oklahoma and have seen some pretty good stuff... children's toys, kitchen utensils, plates, bowls, cups, bags of clothing, that people have just tossed out because they no longer wanted it or it did not sell at the garage sale. I even saw a guy one time unloading a trailer of living room and bedroom furniture. Somebody asked him what was wrong with it. He said nothing was wrong. His wife had just redecorated and painted the house and wanted new furniture that matched, so he was making room by getting rid of the old furniture. Seriously? Today I saw nothing of value as I looked around the dump. No toys. Nothing for the kitchen. Nothing for the bedroom. All I saw was rubbish. But in all those acres of trash, a small handful of people found something more than trash. They saw potential.

Isn't that what Christ does with us? When we are at a point that we have no value to the world. When we are no better than a big pile of garbage, when we waste what He has given us, when everything in life seems hopeless, Christ comes too us. We may not be a treasure when He picks us up, but He dusts us off, polishes us up, makes us shine like a city on a hill. He turns us into a treasure. Do you ever look at others and place a lesser value on them because of the way they look or act, how they dress, where they live, what they drive, where they work? Remember that the Lord sees the potential in them that we can't see. Christ is just waiting to turn them into a treasure.

Are you down in the dump? Let Jesus make you shine!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Building Projects

As of today, July 15, there have been 22 houses built, a 40X25 school room built, and a set of school restrooms begun by teams since the first of the year. There is also a VBS going on right now, a VBS and house to build the week of July 27, a VBS and house the week of Aug. 10, and a house the week of Oct. 12. There are also a number of things in the works right now that could possibly (hopefully) expand the ministry of CSI in Jamaica. God has opened some doors and we are in the process of walking through them. Pray that we as a staff continue to seek after His perfect will.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Better Than A Webpage??

I was going to start a webpage. Then I thought, "Would a blog be a better way to go?" So, I am starting this blog to see how it goes. I hope it goes well and that people will be able to keep up on the happenings of CSI Jamaica and myself. So I will be posting things here from time to time. (AS long as the internet stays up and running... geesh.)

(Pic I took Sunday in church.)