Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Don't Give Satan An Advil

What is your name?

When you were born did your parents give you a name worthy of who you are, or have you had to make yourself worthy of the name your parents gave you? In his story "Romeo and Juliet", Shakespeare writes, What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet. So does your name really even matter? Well, it depends on who knows it.

My parents named me John Boyd Gardner. If you just leave it at that then some people may not think it is a very spectacular name... (seeing as how it has been my name for over 36 years I am pretty partial to it though). I am not famous so I do not have a famous name. My name does not jump out at people because it is not an unusual or trendy name. My name is a good, solid name. But even though I am not famous there are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people who know my name just because we have crossed paths at some point in my life. Some people will hear my name and think fond thoughts, some will think not so fond thoughts, and some people will think "Who? Oh, I kinda remember that guy." Regardless of what people think when they hear my name, I have made some sort of impression on many people.

But I wonder what sort of impression I have made on the devil over the years. In Acts chapter 19 the seven sons of Sceva were trying to cast out demons "In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches." They knew that there was something to the name of Jesus, and even threw in Paul's name for good measure, kinda like a name-dropper would do. There was a problem with that though... one particular evil spirit had no idea who these seven guys were. See, all of hell knew Jesus because, well, He's Jesus, and they all knew Paul because he had been one of their top humans until he met Jesus on the road to Damascus and started doing battle against the army of hell. But, when these seven no-name sons of the Jewish chief priest, Sceva, came along, the evil spirit said "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?" Then the man with the evil spirit jumped on the brothers and put a whoopin' on 'em that EVERYONE around would remember for a long time.

So, do evil spirits know MY name? Am I known among the army of hell? Does Satan have to work overtime because I am on the job? I like what Dave Earley says in his book, "The 21 Most Dangerous Questions of the Bible",... I don't claim the amazing authority of the Lord Jesus Christ or the apostle Paul. But I believe I can live a positively dangerous life. I hope to live so completely for God's kingdom that I am known by those in the kingdom of darkness. I want to give hell a headache.

What about you? Does the devil need an Advil? Does hell know your name?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is It Really Worth The Effort?

Okay, so, after 2 1/2 weeks of going to the gym there is no change to the scale. I have not lost a blessed ounce... but I have not gained any either, so I guess that is a good thing. But is it really worth waking up at 5:15AM, getting up at 5:30AM, and out the door at 5:50AM to go pick up Nick and meet Leo at the gym, walk for 35 minutes (and go nowhere), ride a bike for 15 or 20 minutes (and go nowhere), and do some stretching, arm and ab work?

Yes. It's worth it.

You see, I get to listen to some good praise and worship music, enjoy the fellowship and encouragement of two men of God, improve my overall health, sleep better at night, have more energy, and take care of the Temple. Do I wish the scale was showing a 12 pound loss? Yes. But watching the scale can be a big discouragement when you're trying to get healthy (I am not on the Biggest Loser here). It's not ultimately about losing weight anyway. It's about glorifying God. I know that if I do the things that need to be done in order to be healthy (working out and eating right), then the weight will follow... and God will get the glory!!

So, if you are thinking about getting healthy for Christ, my word of advice to you is:
THROW AWAY YOUR SCALE and work at being healthy before you worry about losing the weight.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Words Of Wisdom

Words Of Wisdom for September 14, 2009...

Do what God says!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Flab vs Fab

For those who are in-the-know, Pinto's food is some of the best... ever. (Her fried chicken blows the Colonel out of the water.) But I am thinking that at times her cooking is too good. Over the busy summer months, when teams were here and I was on the go most of the time, I managed to gain 10 pounds. Yes, 10 pounds. So the net loss for my first year here wound up being 30 lbs.

So, on Saturday, I met Pastor Leo Hall (Bethel United Church) at Fitness Physique and started getting my exercise on. Saturday, Monday, Tuesday (with Nick), and again this morning, I road the bike, walked on the treadmill, worked on the seated row and the seated ab machine (I am not gonna get on the floor if I don't have to), and did some stretching exercises. I already can tell I have more energy and am sleeping better at night after only a few days of working out. I will go again in the morning and probably Saturday AM, and at least 3 or 4 times a week after.

There are a few reasons I decided to start going to the gym...
1. Walking in the evenings is boring (but I haven't since December, so never mind)
2. There is someone who will keep me accountable
3. To lose the weight I have gained
4. To reach my goal weight
5. To look FABULOUS when I go home for my visit in November
6. To be more healthy and have more energy
7. To improve my witness by taking care of the Temple

Have you ever sat in church and listened to a fat pastor preach a message about sins of the flesh... while at the same time wondering why he doesn't apply his message to himself and his gluttony. Being overweight and in the ministry is not new, it's not uncommon, but it is not God's best and He is not glorified by it.

"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Cor. 6:19-20 (NKJV)